Hello, I’m John

I’ve done a lot of work on myself throughout my life, and I now know what I wish I’d known when I was a much younger man! I’ve worked more recently in a school (where I reinvented myself as the School Grandad) and gave a lot of student support.

I’ve worked on myself and with other men with the Mankind Project, I’m a Trained Teacher of Mindfulness in schools and a Trained Teacher of Mindful Self-compassion. I’m a husband, a dad, a grandad and a step-dad.

I can provide tools that can both help you cope with whatever life chucks at you. Better still I can help you be the best possible version of yourself, by teaching you or providing coaching or mentoring. I can lead weddings and funerals.

I seem to get it right with consistently positive feedback, and you can read some feedback on the relevant pages. You can also “meet” me in the video on the home page and, better still, let’s have a phone call or video chat.

John Quill
CMSC logo with lotus flower, Center for Mindful Self-Compassion text.
The Mankind Project UK & Ireland logo with blue and gray text.
MiSP Mindfulness in Schools Project logo