The Wedding, and that can be a glorious excuse to have a party, but the meaning can be lost in the fun. If you want a marriage that means something, go for a wedding that really gives you the chance to start as you mean to go on.

I’ve been taking weddings for over 44 years, initially as a Church of England priest. Yes that means I’m in my 70s, and I like to think I bring a certain gravitas (as well as grey hair), along with a lightness of touch, to any wedding that I lead. Now that I've retired, I can provide just the right wedding for you both.

You need a Wedding that works to create a Marriage that means something today, and over the years ahead. You’re ready to make that commitment to that special person, and they to you. The Wedding, and that can be a glorious excuse to have a party, but the meaning can be lost in the fun. If you want a marriage that means something, go for a wedding that really gives you the chance to start as you mean to go on.

I weave my experience together with what you want. If you want religious, I can do that; if you want to keep religion out of it, I can do that. The importance is to create a celebration that means something, and I’ll liaise with the venue you’ve chosen to ensure a smooth and memorable event.

Here’s what one couple say about me. You’ll see that I already knew them, though I can make your wedding just as personal for people I’ve only just met.

I’m the member of Association of Independent Celebrants.

Logo of Association of Independent Celebrants with colorful abstract figures in a circle.
John Quill leading the celebration of a wedding

If you want your wedding to have legal status you’ll need to do that bit with a licenced Registrar at a place licensed for weddings. Then I can take over for the bit that has real meaning, along with spirit as your two hearts link together. Or if you want to be committed without the need for a legal status, we can create the whole thing.

Blurry green plants with a blue background

“We were blessed by John on a wonderful sunny day in the Lake District. We have known John for many years and did not hesitate to ask him to perform our blessing in the presence of our family and friends. Prior to the service John spent time helping us identify and personalise our vows to each other. We were touched by the ceremony he delivered and how loving and personal he made it to ourselves and others in the congregation”.
Dean and Lesley xx